Stories - Read Write & Speak Level 2
Ilakkanam Nilai 2
Tamil Grammar Level 2
Tamil Literature Appreciation
Ezhudhu is a novel way to learn Tamil. It has been designed based on extensive research on readability, writability and learnability of languages, with the core objective of making reading and writing Tamil, easy and enjoyable.
Tamil alphabet is introduced based on the combined statistics of number-of strokes, similarity of letters with each other, and frequency of the letter’s use in Tamil words. This scientific approach diverges from the conventional methodology of learning vowels first, consonants next and combination letters later.
The course has 60+ classroom and home based learning activities and games to make Tamil learning an unforgettable experience.
On successful completion of 30 hours, the student will receive a completion certification from our foundation.
- Ability to write Tamil words.
aRi is our weekly Tamil talk series. Every week we pick a topic from science, literature, history, geography and many such domains. Our presenters will give a 45 minute talk in Tamil on that topic and initiate discussion and answer your questions.
Topic : சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் ஒலிக்கூறுகள்
Presented by : முனைவர் இரா.குணசீலன்
Duration : 1 Hour
Date : Saturday 17th October 2020
Time : 10am IST
Mode : Zoom, Online
Fees : Free
Register Now!
* உரைக்கான சூம் செயலி தொடுப்பு வெள்ளிக்கிழமை மாலை 8:00 மணியளவில் மின்னஞ்சலில் பகிரப்படும்.
சங்க இலக்கியத்தில், 1. ஒலி விளக்கமும் வரையறையும், 2. இயற்கை ஒலி 3. விலங்கின ஒலி, 4. புள்ளின ஒலி, 5. மனித ஒலி, 6. செயற்கை ஒலி, 7. ஒலிக்கூறுகளின் வளர்ச்சி என்ற நோக்கில் சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் சுட்டப்படும் ஒலிக்கூறுகளை எடுத்துரைப்பது இந்த உரையின் நோக்கமாகும். சங்க இலக்கியத்திலுள்ள ஒலி குறித்த செய்திகளைத் தொகுத்துப் பகுத்து அவற்றின் அடிப்படையில், ஒலிக்குறிப்புச் சொற்களின் வகை, தமிழ்மொழி வளர்ச்சியில் அதன் பங்கு, மற்றும் இசை மருத்துவத்துறையில் தமிழர் முன்னோடியாக இருந்தனர் என்பதையும், அத்துடன், சங்ககால மக்கள் ஒலி மாசுபாட்டால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டார்களா என்பதையும் ஆராய்வோம்.

We are honoured to offer a scholarship in the name of Dr. V.C. Kulandaiswamy, to Indian citizents residing in India, to needy students applying for Payil : Tamil Courses. Please provide your details and a short writeup on why you are applying for this scholarship. Our foundation will select the students to offer this scholarship based on the the writeup and a telephonic interview. Presently this scholarship will be offered for 10 Indian citizens every spell of the Payil : Tamil Courses. If you would like to contribute to this scholarship, please do via our donations page.

Great quizzes and activities
Compared to the two courses I underwent prior to this, Ilakkanam was the heaviest. Grammar always is heavy because it is fixed and in order to master it, there needs to be practice and memorising key facts. It was an all-girl team and I felt like I was back in my all-girl school. 😅😅 Lessons were well constructed and mid lesson payirchi(s) were not only fun but further drove home the point of each lesson. Sai mam was great! Like all my other Payil teachers she made the lessons very engaging. We had weekly pop quiz battles, which we took very seriously and it helped recap the entire week's learning. Looking forward to Ilakkanam 2!
Vishalene . Ilakkanam-1 . July 2021
Stress free casual reading practice
"I think it's a great idea to progress to stress-free casual reading right after learning the Tamil alphabet. I foolishly thought, having learn the alphabet I can now read novels and books with ease. 😅😅
Kadhai classes helped me progress from extremely slow reading to moderate reading speed.
Manju mam, made all classes worthwhile to attend and injected humour emotions into the stories. She was able to reign in the conversation when needed and allowed us to be elaborate if time permitted.
I personally believe a small class is perfect for Kadhai as it allowed the three of us to take turn reading every day. Can't see it happening in a larger class.
All in all 30 days well spent.
Thank you."
Vishalene . Kadhai . June 2021
Child loves Payil classes more than regular school classes
My kid loves payil classes more than her regular school classes, Mam. Her ability to identify, read and write Tamil letter and words improved much more. Happy to be part of payil. And thankful to the teachers for their patience and understanding of individual students of the class.
Kani p/o Diya . Ezhudhu . June 2021
Impeccable module structure; being able to read within 30 classes
"Can't believe six weeks is over!
1. Teaching was excellent
2. Modules structure was almost impeccable. I felt it was geared towards being able to read from the first class itself. Which made eagerly come back everyday to learn new words.
3. I think learning with children, is great because their enthusiasm was infections. 😂
4. Being able to read with just 30 days of classes feels great!"
Vishalene . Ezhudhu . May 2021
loved the games
I could not even pronounce some difficult words. But to my surprise, just in 30 days I learned how to easily write and read tamil. I really loved this journey and I loved the games, free time and I did not learn everything at one shot. I could remember everything I was thought and I will shourly recommend these courses for people who wants to learn tamil. Hats of to Karky Research Foundation. 👌😀😍🤩💗I will miss all my batch mates and the course teachers.
Dussala . Ezhudhu . May 2021
Perfectly paced
The classes are perfectly paced to suit the different levels of understanding that the students come with. For a complete beginner like me, who didn’t know much about the script except for being able tor recognise them as belonging to Tamil, I can’t believe how far I have come in just a span of six weeks. Hats off to the way this course has been designed and is delivered.
Aarti . Ezhudhu . May 2021
இலக்கியம் வகுப்பு மாணவரின் கவிதை
"இலக்கியம் பயில
இணைந்தேன் பயிலில்
இணைய வழியில்
தினம்தினம் தித்திட
தெள்ளமுதமாய் இனித்திட
தமிழோடு நயந்திட்டேன்
கதைத்துளி சிந்தி
சங்கம் பருகிட்டேன்
இடையினில் நடனமாடியே
தற்காலம் வந்திட்டேன் - தமிழ்
கண்ணியம் குறையாமல்
கண்ணியம்மாள் நிகழ்த்திட
மதுரமாய் தீந்தமிழ்
இலக்கிய வகுப்பு
இனிமையாய் நிறைவடைய
இன்னும் வேண்டுமென்று
ஏக்கம் கொண்டதே - மனம்!!!
Raghavendran . Ilakkiyam . May 2021
tremendous improvement in reading and writing Tamil
enjoyed your playful handling of the kids’ antics and your engaging style of presenting the class. I was happy to see my son connecting so well to material and improving tremendously in Tamil reading and writing in the past weeks. Wishing you many more such joyous moments of teaching and learning :-)
Nandini Karky p/o Haiku Karky . Ezhudhu . April 2021
different flow of classes and interesting activities
My son eagerly attended all the classes just because of your encouragement. Surprised to see him reading Tamil words while watching TV by himself. Excellent material, very different flow of classes and interesting activities. Thanks for the entire team.
m/o Anirudh . Ezhudhu . April 2021
Exciting "Mozhi Thunukku" in each class
Firstly, I must say that the lessons were very well planned and structured. The content was delivered in an ‘easy-to-understand’ fashion – with clear explanations, examples and quizzes. From a students’ point of view, one is able to see how each lesson serves as a stepping stone for the next lesson. It was also fascinating to see how all the different lessons started coming together as we neared the end of our course. Secondly, the incorporation of “Mozhi thunuku” added a tinge of excitement to the lesson. I was able to learn about 30 different people who have contributed greatly to Tamil. Hearing about them and their contributions, served as a huge motivator and a timely reminder on the importance of safeguarding our language. Having heard your sharings, I started reading about these jaambavaans and got to know much more about the journey tamil has had in the past few centuries. Getting a peak into history through their works made ilakkanam classes a little extra special.
Sruthi Bhasker . ilakkanam . April 2021
Thank you so much for your kind attention, unique teaching style and insightful inputs and discussion. Especially you addressed every doubts and sometimes over enthusiastic questions posed by me. I have been trying to learn Tamil since 2017 but then it was one way communication but with this class under you guidance I got specific direction to fine tune my existing broken Tamil First of it kind, this class dwfi1 will pave the way for new opportunities. Being a language enthusiast, now I can explore more about Tamil, Tamilnadu and it's ancient culture along with Movies. I am happy to have completed this course but also feeling sad and emotional that from Moday there will be no class.
Aditya . Paesu . Jan 2021
Attractive and Intersting
"We r totally satisfied for your service towards this entire programme.
Especially the Home Activity, Handouts and Training Module were very much attractive n interesting for kids to understand very easily."
Aaradhiya's Parents . Ezhudhu . Jan 2021
நாள்தோறும் 3 பாடல்கள்
" நாள்தோறும் 3 பாடல்கள் என்ற முறையில் நடைபெற்ற வகுப்புகளில் சங்கப் பாடல்கள், புதுக்கவிதைகள், கட்டுரைகள் என பலவற்றை அறிய முடிந்தது.
மேலும், நிறைவு நாள் வகுப்பில் ஹைக்கூ (துளிப்பா) க்களும் இடம் பெற்றிருந்தது. அனைத்து வகுப்புகளும் மற்றும் வகுப்பில் இடம் பெற்ற பாடல்கள் என அனைத்துமே சிறப்பு தான்."
வரதராஜன் . Ilakkiyam . Jan 2021
முழுமையாக ஆட்கொண்ட வகுப்புகள்
"கவலைகள் மறந்து, கால சூழ்நிலை ஏற்படுத்திய இறுக்கங்கள் மறந்து, வகுப்புகள் என்னை முழுமையாக ஆட்கொண்டது, கவலைகளை களை எடுத்தது.
காணொளி வகுப்புகள் இவ்வளவு என்னை ஆக்கிரமிக்கும் என்றோ, இவ்வளவு என் ஆர்வத்தைத் தூண்டும் என்றோ நினைத்துக் கூடப்பார்க்கவில்லை.
தொழில்நுட்பம் வழியாக தமிழ் ஆராயும், தமிழ் பாராட்டும் உங்கள் நிறுவனத்தை எப்படி பாராட்டுவது என்று தெரியவில்லை. நன்றி சொல்லக் கடமைப்பட்டுள்ளேன். என் சார்பாகவும், தமிழ் சமூகம் சார்பாகவும்.
நன்றி !! நன்றி !! நன்றி !!
Jayakumar . ilakkanam & ilakkiyam . Nov 2020
"Increased exposure Cultivating pride for the language Exceptional delivery of content"
Its been an incredible 30 lessons. My only expectation had been to rekindle my interest in tamil. However, little did i expect that I my tiny spark of interest would become a huge blaze.
Sruthi Bhaskar . ilakkiyam . Nov 2020
very interactive with lots of questions which helped me remember things!
Pragnya . Paesu . Nov 2020
amazing concept and planned content
Would really like to thank you for amazing concept and planned content. For families living abroad trying to bridge the gap of language, this is perfect. Would recommend to our friends.
Tanav Saran . Paesu . Nov 2020
Easy understanding
"Your way of teaching and home activity are excellent and helpful for easy understanding. My kid gained confidence and attempting to read whatever she sees in tamil."
Pranisha . Ezhudhu . Nov 2020
good syllabus and activities.
at the end of the course she was able to read fast and we were so pleased to see the progress she made through this course. Also she is very happy to read and write her name and family members name on her mother tongue. I really appreciate the way the class has been conducted, syllabus and the home activity (Kudos to the team).
Raj p/o Srrinithi . Ezhudhu . Nov 2020
முக்கால இலக்கியம்
"1.எல்லா நாட்களும் சரியான நேரத்தில் வகுப்பு துவங்கியது.
2.இணைய வழி என்ற போதும், கருத்துரையாடல் பிரிவு இருந்ததால் நேரில் வகுப்பு பயன்றது போல ஓர் அனுபவம்.
3.தமிழை அன்பும் பொறுமையும் கலந்தே சொல்லிக் கொடுத்தார் அம்மா.
4.கதை, சங்ககால இலக்கியம், இடைக்கால இலக்கியம், இக்கால இலக்கியம் என்று வரிசைப்படுத்தி விவாதித்து இன்னும் சிறப்பு."
BHARATH KUMAR JAYAKUMAR . Literature . sept 2020
improved vocabulary
This is the first time my daughter is learning a Indian language. She enjoyed the classes thoroughly ,has picked up lots of vocabulary , got exposed to how an Indian language is spoken. Though she is still struggling with forming sentences, I am sure with practice, she will be able to in couple of weeks.
Priya Rao p/o Samyukta Pai . Paesu . sept 2020
Userfriendly, logical course design
I was in search of any different method to teach Tamil.Atlast this course fulfilled my thoughts where my kid able to know all the letters in Tamil in 6weeks time period. Really very good experimental method. Your teaching was excellent. Especially the difference in the pronunciation you showed. The course design was very Userfriendly and in logical method. I appreciate the whole team for the research to give this course. I am very much impressed. My small suggestion : Please extend this Read and Write course in Advance level. There is a reason to suggest this. Actually, you appreciated Akshara for her story writing in the last day of work. We took 3hr to complete the story. First, she wrote the story in English within 15min.After that we both translated in Tamil and I dictated her word by word. So, it took this long time to complete. So, we both realized we need a training to make sentence and also to read Tamil . Now she is reading words but while reading a paragraph it is tough for her, she gets tired. Another difficulty is reading Tamil is different from speech Tamil. So, in future if your team start any advance course of this Read & Write program. I am very happy to join my kid in the course. Like other parents' suggestion I also need weekend classes because already the school started here. I want to share my experience got here in school for Reading & writing .Will be helpful for your team to design a course.
Akshara Ramkumar . Ezhudhu . July 2020
Introduced to famous authors and historical events
"I have been introduced to some of the famous authors by our Kannya Teacher as she always started the classes either by introducing the authors or of historical events. Captivating subjects!
Teacher Kannya has the patience and the enthusiasm to keep us motivated.
A great group of FOUR. Really felt the camaraderie of our small group.
Thank you Kannya Teacher and Thank you Joshikaa Bhuvanes and Yogitha. "
Samy . Ilakkanam . June 2020
felt young
"It was a pleasure to learn with all of you... you'll made me feel young all over again! God Bless you all and pls keep in touch! I will miss this class.
Lizzy and Manju - you are wonderful teachers... I am truly grateful that one of my life long wish to read and write tamil (in my bucket list) is now ticked off... Thank you both for making the class so much fun while learning"
Nandini Ashok . Ezhudhu . July 2020
தானாக வீட்டுப்பாடத்தைச் செய்து, படித்ததைப் பயன்படுத்திப் பயிலும் மாணவர்கள்
இப்பயிற்சி வகுப்பு அவனுக்கு பயன் தருமா நாம் நினைத்தது போல இவன் கற்றுக் கொள்வானா எனப் பல ஐயங்கள். ஆனால் இன்று என்னுடைய எண்ணங்கள் முற்றிலும் மாறிவிட்டன.தமிழ் எழுத்துக்களை மிகச்சரியாக அவன் அடையாளம் காண்பதோடு மட்டுமல்லாமல் மிக விரைவாகவும் தமிழை அவன் படிக்கிறான். சற்று அலட்சியமும் மிகுந்த தயக்கங்களும் உடைய அவனுடைய போக்கு கடந்த வாரங்களில் மாறியுள்ளது. தானாகவே வீட்டுப்பாடங்களைச் செய்வதும் ஆர்வத்தோடு தான் படித்த, புரிந்து கொண்ட விஷயங்களைப் பயன்படுத்திப் பார்ப்பதுமாகப் புதியதொரு சர்வேஷை நான் பார்க்கிறேன். இந்த மாற்றங்களுக்கு அடிப்படைக் காரணங்களாக நான் இரு நிலைகளை உணர்கிறேன். ஒன்று உங்கள் பயிற்சி வகுப்பின் பாட முறை. இரண்டாவது உங்களின் அணுகுமுறை. இந்த இரு விஷயங்களும் ஒரே நேர்கோட்டில் பயணித்ததன் விளைவே சர்வேஷ் உடைய மாற்றங்கள். வரவேற்புக்குரிய மாற்றங்கள். என் மகனது இந்த வளர்ச்சிக்குக் காரணமாக இருக்கும் உங்கள் அமைப்புக்கு, பயிற்சி வகுப்புக்குப் பாராட்டுகளும் வாழ்த்துகளும். மிக்க நன்றி. இப்படிக்கு வெ.உமா
Sarvesh . Ezhudhu . July 2020
Helpful Rulebook and Tips
Hello madam the Tamil class is really good and Prajin got motivated in learning the words and trying to read from tv and other sources when he sees Tamil words. He also got the interest in learning thirukural and the meanings of them. The activities are really good and motivates him to learn in fun way. The tips and rule books that you provide is really helpful and good.
Prajin Kannan . Ezhudhu . May 2020

Love of Learning
Hi, Glad that we chosen the right class for my Daughter! She was impressed and excited with all her class and home activities and she enjoyed doing it. Teacher took the classes in easy and fun way. She learnt all the letters with ease, there was no necessary to memorize all the letters, which I liked it most and appreciate it. Teacher is very responsible and easily reachable. It’s clear that my daughter’s literacy skills have developed. Play-based and fun-based learning approach is amazing!
“Thank you for instilling this love of learning into my child. It has been such a pleasure watching her grow”
Savitha p/o Anithra Jawahar . Ezhudhu . May 2020
Extremely Satisfied
Thanks a lot for your efforts to teach tamil to my son Vedaant Vivek.
We are extremely satisfied with the Ezhudhu course and would like Vedaant to continue to learn Tamil from Karky Research Foundation.
Though Tamil is not first language for my son, the methodology and approach taught in your class made him learn Tamil quickly and effectively. He likes attending the class. Our best wishes to you and your team.
Vivek p/o Vedaant . Ezhudhu . May 2020

Best Class In My Life
This is the best class I have ever attended in my life. I am going to miss this class a lot. By Vishali 🥺🥺🥺
Vishali . Ezhudhu . May 2020
Fun Assignments and Games
I am a mother of 2 kids. I wanted to learn the correct pronounciation of Tamizh letters and wanted to group them together into words.
The Ezhudhu classes were taught to us by Suriyah Madam. She was always in smiles and took a positive approach in teaching. She encouraged us to read, write and speak Tamizh. Its always very sweet to listen to her Tamizh. She pronounced ல்,ள்,ழ்,ந்,ன்,ண்,ர் and ற் clearly. She made sure we pronounced them correctly too.
Now, its almost the end of the sessions. I can pronounce the Tamizh words correctly and clearly. I can write the words if someone dictated too. In the Ezhudhu sessions, we learnt the tips and tricks of word formation in the most entertaining way. Every session had a fun home assignment and a bonus weekend game too. I am happy that I learnt the Tamizh letters and words in the easiest way. I have started to read Tamizh write ups. It has been my all time dream to read Ponniyin Selvan. Thanks to Ezhudhu course and Suriyah madam that I have started to read it. It means a lot me.
I would definitely be recommending Ezhudhu course and Suriyah madam to all my friends.The sessions had linguists and experts of the language in the online call. They were part of our every session. They helped in answering all our clarifications. Special thanks to Lizzy Madam, Manju Madam and all others for your dedication.
Subiksha Myilswamy . Ezhudhu . May 2020

Enjoyable Homework and Fun Activities
Thanks a lot teachers for your great and immense efforts to teach the kids in a very creative and interactive way. My girl enjoyed the sessions thoroughly, not even a single day she was reluctant or bored to attend the class . She was extremely interested in doing her homework everyday . Even doing homework was an enjoyable and fun activity. Thank you KaReFo for the great initiative-Thooya’s parents 😊
Thank you mam .I really enjoyed the classes .I will miss the sessions for sure -Thooya ☺️☺️
Kalyani p/o Thooya . Ezhudhu . May 2020
I Will Miss The Classes
Thanking all the teachers for the enjoying classes and even though I knew Tamil I have learned so many other things which I haven’t learned so far until I joined this class I will miss these classes definitely.
Prithvi . Ezhudhu . May 2020

Improved My Tamil A Lot
For a person who already learned Tamil, redoing the basics, has improved my Tamil a lot. I enjoyed the classes and will miss the activities. Thank you for giving me such fun and joyful classes. -🥰🥰😊😊
Also, I have learned the word sounds and it has put a great use in my Tamil life. The Ghranta letters have also taught me true Tamil.
The KaReFo courses have been of great help.
Vaishnavi . Ezhudhu . May 2020
Great Slides And Structure
Really enjoyed the classes especially the slides and the structure. Keeping it to 30 to 45m is great so it does not get too intense. Was glad to learn the basics which I missed when I was a kid / thankfully the classes fit into my work schedule.
Gaurav . Ezhudhu . May 2020

Lyrics Demystified
This was very insightful. Finally I got to understand the process behind how songs are written. And how the words are structured and why they are structured this way.🙏🏻🙏🏻
Lyrics demystified. I wish students are taught how mathrai is useful in film songs. Thanks for the amazing sessions
Arjun Vijay . Paadal Poriyiyal . May 2020
Insightful And Inspiring
Thanks much Karky for the very useful and insightful session. I can only hear thananananaa in songs I hear after the session 😀 Looking forward to tomorrow! Awesome, thank you. Indeed a supremely inspiring session!
Jayashree . Paadal Poriyiyal . May 2020

Blown Away!
Blown away, Madhan. Fabulously designed course. Thoroughly inspired.
Alexander Babu . Paadal Poriyiyal . May 2020
Renewed Regard for Lyricists
Super-duper Madhan. Chance-e illa. Gave much insight into lyric synthesis and inspired in me a renewed regard for lyricists. Thanks for the great opportunity.
Anandhi . Paadal Poriyiyal . May 2020

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